Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter to the President-

Mr. Obama, The Tea-party has not really been against you. This is not about you, it is about what you want to do to the liberty of this nation. We don’t care who is in the office as long as they are not Fascist, Marxist, Communists or Socialist. We want anyone who has the values and morals of a Ronald Reagan, the understanding and selfless representation of a George Washington and a willingness to stick to what they know is best for this country like an Abraham Lincoln. All of these men were for less government and more individualism, liberty and capitalistic benefits. When we the people have more control, we have the right to make money, create businesses and give to those who are in need as we see fit.

As an example at capmag.com explained:

After the Asian Tsunami two years ago, the U.S. government pledged $900 million to tsunami relief. American individuals donated $2 billion -- three times what government gave -- in food, clothing, and cash. Private charities could barely keep up with the donations….. America is a uniquely charitable country. So when you hear that "Americans are cheap," just remember: We gave $260 billion in charity last year. That's almost $900 for every man, woman, and child.

Also as government gains more control people start to do strange things like this week it was reported about: Militia Accused of Plotting War on U.S. Gov't on foxnews.com (oops, I forgot, you hate them don’t you? .. Sorry) But when this starts to happen, the government will want to take over groups getting together and even including churches and religious organizations.

We as the big stupid no-bodies out here in middle earth are starting to wise up and most of us can see why our founders like John Adams and Benjamin Franklin wanted less government. This is why we are so passionate about government run anything.

In your interview with Matt Lauer you said we should not exaggerate what the other side is doing, but you have done nothing more than make fun of or mock what the Tea-party is all about and what they have said and done. You also said in the interview that you wish the Republican leadership would help by taking a different tone. What I don’t think you understand is that the Tea-party is not just Republicans, It also has many Democrats and Independents. And we do not take our marching orders from any politician!

I know it is hard for you in the Democratic far left to understand this because you surround yourself with people that believe as you do. But the Tea-party, as I see it, is full of free thinkers and don’t hold to one persons ideology. But we do hold to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and most of us The Holy Bible. Why, because our country was founded and based off of the biblical principles.

I know this not because of what I hear other people say was there experience or what I read, I was in Washington DC on March 20, 2010 for the Tea-party rally in front of the Capitol and know that everyone around me was kind, respectful and peaceable. I also know the entire front of the Capitol area and both sides were saturated with people. The estimate for a full Capitol lawn is about 40,000, so I estimate with the overflow there was about 50,000 give or take a few. So I am sure that out of that many people there were a few less than friendly encounters. But you have to give it to the Tea-partiers. From what I understood from one of the organizers of the event, Nancy Pelosi specifically did not want to have extra trash cans or any portable toilets in the area just so it would make us look bad. As I was leaving the only place that I saw trash was overflowing from the trash cans. On the Capitol lawn, there was no trash.

So you can try all you want to mock us, you can try to stop us and you can walk through the crowd taunting us, but we will never stop fighting (peaceably and at the polls and rally’s) for the freedoms of this great nation!

I reserve the balance of my time Mr. President!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Who's following me?

Yes, as you can see I follow my own blog,,,,, some one has to;~!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Child like faith, real questions..

I teach a children's church class at my church and we have been talking about Jesus and where he came from. I was explaining to them about how God the Father, son and spirit always existed where as we are finite and will eventually die. We got into a pretty good discussion about how did Jesus get from the heavens where God is to Mary's belly. I explained the best I could that Jesus always was as it says in John 1: 1- 18
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (15)
John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.'"

This yet John was born first of them?
I explained that like John 3:16 says that God loves us so much that he gave his only son that whoever believe on him will not perish but have eternal life.

I love when they are asking questions cause it means they do care and it is effecting them. I sometimes wish I could do that full time!

Love those kids as if they were my own!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I do not understand people who can work hours on end without a break or getting up from their chair at all. I dont like work at all. I guess Im kinda lazy. And ive noticed that I am less active too. Prob why I keep putting on weight im sure. Hopefully as it gets warmer i will start walking and moving again! Plus im afraid of teaching my kids to be lazy!

Social Justice

In my previous blog I mentioned that Glenn Beck has been warning for a while now about the progressives in political and religious aspects. Well now, because some people don't seem to really understand that the code word "social justice" is being used to push these progressive ideas, not just a way for individuals to reach out to there community, Glenn Beck is being attacked by some churches that may misunderstand the underlying meaning. This is truly important for us to understand due to it is becoming such a divisive and misunderstood topic.

No one is saying you should stop individually helping people and letting your inner person tell you when you need to give, or not, your choice. In the Bible God is not demanding you to give, but says if you do, it will be given back to you, in good measure, shaken together and running over. So it is a real good idea to do so, but it should be your free will, not a government mandate. That is why this health care thing is so evil. Our God lets us have free choice, but we then have to face the consequences. I wonder if some people are ok with the government takeovers because then they don't have to lift a finger. The problem is that we have greedy, corrupt and shifty politicians that will at every chance take your last dime if you let them. This reminds me of the story in the Bible about the widows mite, Jesus didn't say to Judas, awh, did you see that, she just gave her last two cents, dig into the money bag and give her our money? No, he commented on how that was true giving and said "this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them"..

I believe it is time for the government to leave the social justice to WE THE PEOPLE, and not themselves! They should be focusing more on fixing the unemployment problem, stop excessive spending and cut irresponsible programs!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Political arrogance, where is this headed?

Wow, can you believe the progressive politicians today? Barak Obama's tea party comments and saying he was told the health care bill meant Armageddon, and then looked around and saw that everything is ok. Nancy Pelosi and crew boastfully walking through the anti-health care protesters with a big gavel in hand. Alcee Hastings saying "The rules, we make them up as we go along." Al Sharpton saying America voted for socialism when they voted for Obama. And of course all the people in the Whitehouse saying how much they love Mao and Che’, and how they demand that we pay our taxes, but at least 20 of the Whitehouse administration have not paid their taxes... Gee, I am sure I could come up with hundreds of other examples.

GW Bush may have been a lot of things but not arrogant. I believe he was a humble man but the bipartisan left wanted nothing but to bring this man down any way they could. So they took advantage of his humility and (the media) made him look like an idiot. Though he never came out and said it often, when behind the scenes he was on his knees praying for this country, supported faith based organizations and actually went to church almost every Sunday. Obama has been to church about 3 times this year and under Jim Wallis, a huge progressive, is almost as bad a Jeremiah Wright.

Where is our George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr. today? We are in dire need of a Revolutionary, a peaceful revolutionary. We need someone who can stand up against this progressive arrogance with poise and grace yet a staunch, ferverancy.

We also need to keep the friends we have, Like Benjamin Netanyahu. And now it came out in an Israeli paper that he was treated horrible when visiting Mr. Obama. But now we have an agreement with Putin from Russia, and have said we will sit down with Iran's Ahmadinejad and with North Korea. This amazes me. We have thrown out our morals, our couth and our hospitality completely, Unless it is for the fascist dictators and despot rulers!

Believers (Christians) are being deceived in thinking that things like health care and distribution of wealth programs are just good socially just ideas. When all along they are tearing at the heart of what this country is all about, Freedom, liberty and less government! Why when we say these things today they seem so foreign to a growing yet small percentage of people? Glenn Beck is right, the progressives have been in this country for many year but just boiling under the surface and now they are starting to spew out in leadership and running things. These are people that used to think it was important to use force and violence but now want to slowly change things “progressively”.

We as true believers must be on our knees. It is so clear how we are rocketing towards the last days. Even none believers are talking about how these are signs of the times and how close we are to a global government. Do people understand the biblical ramifications of this? I don’t think , unfortunately, most do!

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark of his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. [Revelation 13:16-17]