Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dr. Rev. Merle J Plotner

On August 26 1933 Merle J.Plotner was born to Frank and Mabel (Whipple) Plotner. He was raised in a farm family in central Ohio area. He served in the military from 1953 to 1955 and was stationed in Germany for 18 months of his tour and named his tank Donna. He married Donna Marie Kunze Sunday June 17, 1956 at Chesterville Methodist Church by Rev. Harry T. Lambert. Merle became a Methodist pastor in 1962 also.. Him and Donna had 4 kids. Dad got his Doctor of Divinity degree at Methesco Theological School in Delaware Ohio in 1971 or 72. He was a great man of God and was friend to everyone he met. He died march 22, 1981 of a Non-ballooning aneurysm of the aorta. Just a few days before that he had driven himself to the Morrow County hospital then they transported him to a hospital in Columbus. That Sunday as we were getting ready for church got a call from the hospital saying he was getting worse and we should get down there right away. My sister Debbie and brother in law Mark were there due to dad going to the hospital so he drove. As we drove Mark noticed the odometer was about to turn to 77777 miles. When we got to the hospital they were already doing a heart massage on him. He was gone. I remember seeing everyone crying and my sister Deb coming out and telling me. I was kind of in shock. I just took this warning and the drive to Columbus as a chance to get out of church. Now my dad is gone?

I had just the week before told him I hated him. I had no chance to tell him I was sorry. I at that point wanted nothing but my father back. For days, weeks, months and years after became more and more upset that a God would ever let this happen to me. I ran farther and farther from God.
A few years later I had a friend that passed away. He was a good man and when I went to his funeral it was a celebration, not a humdrum thing. I started seeing people that had the true spirit of God in them. I started going back to church and one Sunday heard the preacher read in Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

I began to realize that God was right there the whole time trying to lead me back to him. All I had to do was stop running away from him. My dad was a great example for me, things may have been different if he were here now, but my relationship with Father God is so much more than my earthly dad could have given me. And I, being a father, understand how important my relationship is with my kids but I want the relationship they have with Abba Father to be even stronger.

I am trying to be a better son to my Mom also, I get so caught up in all I am doing sometimes I don't call her or see her as often as I should. But God commands in Matthew 15:4 God says, `Honor your father and mother,' and`Anyone who speaks evil of father or mother must be put to death.' This is a serious command.

My Mom and Dad wouldn't really be considered radical people but for the Methodist denomination, my dad was pretty radical. He meant what he said and said what he meant. He was selfless and would do anything for anyone. I hope that some of the qualities my dad had have rubbed off on me. I know my dad felt called to the ministry, I thought at one time I was, but realize i am not much of an orator, but look at Moses, he didn't either. I am opened to what ever the Lord has for me...... Praying!

Here I am 45 and don't know what I should do when I grow up. All the people around my age in my life have either retired or are so well off they are spending money on things they really don't need or even want. We struggle for everything. I keep telling my kids that lacking for things is helping us grow and be stronger. I must be a full grown mature person by now!

Well, any ways, I do still miss this guy. He did so much for so many. I pray I can see him someday and bring as many people along with me as i can to meet him. We may be too busy being in awe worshiping Abba Father to notice him.....!? I can only imagine...

What other people say about Dad:

Chris Caldwell -

What I think is interesting about Grandpa (even though I never met the man) was when Grandma use to tell me after I moved in with her. She use to say that some mornings when she woke up she smelled coffee brewing. I don't drink coffee that much so I knew it wasn't from me, but I can say living in that house (even though Grandpa didn't live there) I could smell coffee brewing some of the mornings too. It's weird how our loved ones pass on to glory but somehow their traits and habits live on in us. I can't wait for the day I get to walk on the streets of gold with him and give him the biggest bear hug ever. And I know he will be ready to do the same with each one of us grandkids.

Charles Kunze, Sr. -
We definitely remember all the late nights we used to stay up playing cards and games.
I also remember our exciting road tour with your dad going from church to church down at Cadiz. Merle had to have someone riding with him or he would never have made it.
Also remember all the coffee drinking, he definitely loved his coffee.

Mary Lou his sister and I ran around together while in school. I remember Merle playing the accordion and his dad playing the juice harp and organ when I would go to their house. Really had some great times.

Ron Kunze -

He left a good job to go to school to become a minister even though he had a growing family to support and how it all worked out well for everyone.

Ron remembers when he would preach that when he would do the prayer, he would kneel beside the pulpit - very impressive.

Cindy (Poister) Huddle -

I do remember him kneeling at the altar or pulpit too ; I remember a particular childrens sermom he did when we must have been to one of his churches-- he had some kind of metal coverd dish with colored ribons representing Shadrack. Meshack, & Abendigo & fire-- but the ribons were not burned---
I remember well getting to go with you, Aunt Donna & Uncle Merle for Mike's wedding & Uncle Merle drove with a glass coke bottle behind his back for lumbar support--- I will never forget that trip-- I enjoyed it so much!---- also I remember several of us swimming--- I think at Candlewood lake's pool & he jumped off the diving board & his toupe' flopped up!!!---- I will always think alot of Uncle Merle!

Also, at our last reunion-- I remember talking with your Mom & was really impressed with her testimony of her & your dad getting together-- It really was a God thing-- how she had the dream that she was to be a pastors wife-- & hadn't even realized that God had called your Dad to preach yet--- It is fun to see God's handiwork!