Saturday, July 3, 2010

you dont know my pain.

You don't know my pain.

You don't know my pain, I don't know yours.
My pain is real and shows on my face and how I move, yours is hidden in your smile and fluid motions. My face strains and congeals and writhes on display. Your face is bright and cheerful and pleasant. I limp a lot slumpping to the ground. You have a spring in your step and song on your tongue. How do you hid your pain so well. What is your focus when you are hurting. Mine is God and his promise to us, to delight in the Lord and he will give our desires. How do you get through the day? My pain will end when I see Him face to face. Will yours? Why am I so sure? The word of God is truth. There is no other way. Jesus is the way!

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