Monday, November 21, 2011

God wants to mess you up!!

In my prayer time God was showing me he wants so much to get in the middle of what we are doing. But he will not force himself on you. This has to be a choice on your part to let him mess with your stuff. The things that are most important to you or that suck up most of your time.

For some of us it will be simple stuff, like your TV time, or time on the computer or face book. For some it will be quitting your job, or selling everything you have to go to a distance country to minister or to the inner city.

Everyone is wondering why God isn't moving or not revealing himself. People are blaming God for not moving and not showing them stuff and wonder where is he? But he can't,,, no he won't, make you give up the things that you love. He wants it to be your choice. You are not a robot. He wants you to make the choice to surrender these things, It's up to you. You can very easily hear from God in most cases when you decide to give up on your dreams, your goals, your hobbies and your desires.

For what Tim? Is he going to make me move to Africa and become a missionary? Maybe, but I think for most people it will be having you more focused on that person that you work with that is going through a bad time in their marriage and cause you to spend time praying for them. Or he may want you to become a mentor or a disciple to some young person. Right now our Sunday afternoons are filled with football, nascar, napping, house work, video games or just spending time with family. Are these things bad? No, not on the surface, but if these things are causing us to be distracted from our time that should be the Lords, then yes, they are evil!

Matthew 12: 48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

People, my spirit is saying there is an urgency and feeling like if we don't do this now, we will miss what is going on in the spirit and miss the opportunities God has for us.

When will we hear from God? When we are REALLY listening. How will we hear from God? How ever he wants to reveal himself. For some it will be just reading his word and acting on it.

Some say, "But I've already read that whole Bible and know it well."
But each day brings new life to the word, for each situation or circumstance. READ IT AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN. Keep DOING what it says. He will lead you just in doing that. I really believe that he will reveal himself in our doings, not just in your begging him to.

But you must move, and pray and fast and seek. He will not move in your life if you have a remote in your hands and arms crossed and never making yourself available.

How many of us are ready to stand before almighty God at the judgment seat and say, Hey God, I gave you all my time and energy? I believe we will be mostly embarrassed by our lack of trying rather than our trying and messing it up.

Most of the time we get so comfortable with life and we don't want to make waves. It is time to let God completely mess up our lives and make it what he wants........ Will you let him?

As my pastor said this week, you are hurting God's heart when we do not trust him!

Also, Amy said “you are his treasure.”

He wants to give to you, and use you, if you let him. Give everything you have for him! When he sees your commitment, I guarantee he will move! We must be sold out to God!!!!!!!

Or just stay on the couch and wonder where God is……..

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Listening for the CALL!

I really don't understand life very often. Things happen in the natural that I just think, "hey God, um, did you forget about me"? or Why would God let this happen to me. But the cool thing about God is he likes it when we have a change.... Why? To see us hurt and suffer? To sit back and laugh at our foolish whining and folly? or is he a cruel God as some would think, like the little kid taunting a fly by tearing off its wings and laughing that it can't fly away from the torture?

No, I believe that God has a much bigger picture in mind for us. He has a more kind and compassionate heart than we could ever understand, enough that he would send his only son to die in my (and your) place. And not just any kind of death, but the cruelest most painful death. On the cross. I know that seems dark and like, "really, that's how God shows his love for us"? Well yes, because Jesus is God that came here in the flesh. So now he knows the plight of man, since he became one of us.

So, if God has a plan for me, why is it that things just seem to keep going wrong and nothing that I do seems to prosper like is says it should in Psalms 1:3, 37:11, Prov 16:20, 28:25, Jer 29:11?

We must remember though that God is much more concerned with our spiritual growth than our financial or physical growth, although those are important too. When we fuss and whine about not having material things, it shows our spiritual immaturity. And when we worry about money and how we will be taken care of, it also show our lack of trust in the Lord.

Luke 6:38 says Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I really don't understand what is happening to me now, I thought I had a job all lined up but now they don't know when I will start. I had already turned in a notice to the employer I was working with. I found out about the mix up the night before my last night with the current company. When I went in and explained the situation, the manager there said he wasn't able to get me back into the system. So I was no longer employed with them and not able to start my new job anytime soon. They don't know when the next orientation class will be.

I think the biggest thing that keeps us from getting what we need is selfishness or staying in our own comfortable distractions. TV is probably one of the biggest ones. I have it on right now will typing with the volume turned down. Why, mostly cause I don't want to turn the big light on and I can't see in the dark, But I could turn a smaller light on.... there are so many excuses.

But it is time we stop making excuses and start making disciples for Jesus, That should be our primary focus!

God is most certainly calling each of us to bigger and greater things, but first we have to be willing to step out of the crap we are in now to advance to the next great thing. Too often we get comfortable with the crap even though it stinks and is nasty and difficult. but what think is so important is actually a hindrance to our walk, our lives and our new opportunities

so the next question typically would be what do I do now to support my family especially since we have been living pay check to paycheck. I completely understand my wife expecting me to have this all worked out and not skip a beet with our income, but I believe this is one of those situations where I will step back (not sit on the sidelines, just get my selfishness out of the way) and see how God will work. We, my wife and I, have been through office closures, lay-offs, transferring and now quitting without a new job to go to. But all of these previous times God has seen us through. Why should I think now he is just going to say, sorry, I've bailed you out enough, you're on your own?

Mat. 7:7 says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.