Monday, May 31, 2010


I know everyone goes through depressing times and situations, but what if you seem to be depressed all the time? I am so frustrated with my job, my relationships and my life in general. I have for about 20 years now worked a job that is stressful in an industry that is very demanding and intricate, always changing making it always hard to keep up with. But in the past we could afford at least one vacation per year. now we can't even do that. I am so sick of working my tail off and getting no where. I know it is my own fault for not finishing school when i had the chance, but that's when i got laid off and there was nothing to do... what a crappy ride so far. My kids are about the only thing on this earth that give me joy! They deserve so much more... I love you Sarah and Nattie and am so sorry for this! prayin for a change soon... very soon i hope!

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