Saturday, January 31, 2009


Really, 3 degrees, that’s what the temp was last night where we live. You know, I have a hard time with my back and knees when it gets to less than 40 degrees, but 3? Wow.. Also, my last post was about global warming......... RIGHT!!! I wished. I mean, most people who believe that stuff are looking for a cause, something to believe in, that is their god. And the bible talks about the natural disasters that will happen in the last days. Like anyone is really going to stop what God already has said is going to happen. But people are so educated in the worldly things they can't see the things of God. Many of them say they are Christians, but deny the power of God.

Sorry, I got a little off of my original topic, the weather. I do agree that every once in a while it is kinda pretty in the winter, but also kinda bland. I mean, brown and white, that’s all you get. I do love spring, summer and fall. Even though I usually have horrible allergies, but I would rather suffer a little with allergies. Where as in the winter I usually get sinus infections and have to keep putting spray in my nose. Also in the my favorite 3 seasons, I love to go for walks, jogging and used to go bicycling. Of course in the winter we are stuck inside. I absolutely hate that. I know I am complaining a lot, but just telling the truth.

I feel alone in this whole ordeal. My wife and two girls seem to love the winter, but I am the one that has to shovel the driveway (although my girls did help the other day, thank you very much!) drive 45 miles to work and keep the cars running during this time. What do they have to do? Nothing, just look out the window and take in the winter wonderland. I also don't understand when they have a snow day and are at home and when I come in there is a sink full of dishes and laundry to be done and general messes everywhere. What do you do all day if you are stuck inside of the house? ah, television! I feel like taking the tube and throwing it into the trash sometimes! But I guess I am out numbered. I enjoy tv also but come on not all day......

I just don't understand people that love this weather, how do you breathe? Doesn’t it hurt your bones or am I just a mess? more sickness in the winter, accidents on the road, people falling on the ice..... I could go on and on! But all because of the white stuff on the brown trees or the ice glistening in the sun. Not enough for me to want to stay in this mess!

But again I am out voted! I know this sounds so selfish. But I believe we were made to live in warmer climates, at least some of us! So sorry if I am a little more grumpy in the winter please understand and approach with caution!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Global Warming, Really!?

I know this topic sets some people off and they are very passionate about it. I often wonder why. In searching deeper and looking at the real reason, you would have to look at the agenda. Their agenda is control. If they can get enough people to believe that the earth is “sick”, as AlGore puts it, the more people will be sold on the idea that everyone has to buy electric cars, low energy light bulbs and solar panels for every house. Now, I’m not against these things, but I don’t want someone telling me or anyone else that we have to buy them so we can ‘save the world’. Are we so arrogant to believe that we can do anything to change what God has intended for us. Instead of what we consume physically, we should pay more attention to what we consume spiritually. I believe we are bringing the end of all things quicker when we reject what God wants for us.(Rom. 13:4) In doing so we are denying His spirit, or resisting the spirit 1 Thes. 5:19. Yes, God wishes that all come to the knowledge of the truth and that no one should perish 2 Peter 3:9. The Bible also explains how time is shortening as we near the end Mat.24:22 We are in a time when good is considered evil and evil good. Where musicians glorify everything including homosexuality, rape and using drugs. But nearly every commercial and news report is touting the urgency to go ‘green’. We should be more concerned with morality or the lack of it.. We as Christians need to stand up and speak the truth in love. We need to show people how ridiculous the thought of global warming is. I’m not saying there aren’t warming and cooling periods on the earth. I mean more than just seasonal changes, It has been proven approximately 25-30 years ago that there was a cooling concern, then a swing back to warming and now we seem to be swinging back to cooling. The earth has done this since there has been recorded history. But people have such a short memory that all they see is what is happening now. Although these are the same people that have enough faith to believe that the earth and universe were created by accident but not enough faith to believe it was by an intelligent designer.

When people are so consumed in there own wants and desires they start feeling somewhat guilty and feel like they need to help fellow man by saving the environment. This is their distorted version of a conscience. But if they look around at God's creation and the evidence of his existence then surrender their lives to him the scales will lift from there eyes. They will be able to recognize their sin and repent, turn away from wrong instead of just trying to do more good than bad. That will save no one!

I am so tired of seeing how God, the bible and convictions are being removed from our schools, homes and even many churches, let alone politics. (see my next blog 'separation of church/state) When most politicians say "God bless you", they are saying it for their benefit not truly meaning it, or believing it. How do I know this? Look at their lives and see how they are living. Hey, I know, we all make mistakes and mess up, but we as Christians need to have our focus on eternity and not what advancements we can make here. Again, don't misunderstand, I am not saying advancements and better jobs or promotions are bad, we should always do our best. But, we shouldn't make that our focus.

I am seeing more and more the signs of the end times. (Yes, I'm one of those people who really believe what the Bible says!) One day soon I believe God will crack the sky open and come down with a shout and draw his people to him. Black, white, American, Asian, new Christians and veterans of the faith alike, he does not discriminate. The only thing he discriminates against is SIN!

If you are not ready, get ready! Call on the Lord... Those who call upon the Lord will be saved! Trust in him with everything. Read his word and apply it to your life. Repent from sin, turn away from anything you may think is not of God!

The Lord loves you enough to have delayed his return this long, don't make him wait any longer, for no one knows the day or hour of his return!

God bless!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happiness? What/Where is it?

I work for a really good company that keeps hiring even during the employment struggles that are happening now. So I am thankful for my job, but I am really struggling every day to get up and go to work. I'm not sure if it's because I am a data tech coordinator, which means glorified customer service rep and the job is so stressful, or if it is because I have been doing customer service type jobs for almost 20 years now. I am a christian, but this job has made me have an angst for people. I know, not a very Christ like quality.... I do still have compassion for many people, Like that little old person who is really trying to get into today's technology but has never touched a computer before. Then they buy a computer and wireless card and all the accessories to go with it. Then they call me to help set it up.... yeah, you know that's gonna be about a 2 hour call. But what I really can't stand are the executives that call you and think they know more about the service that we sold them than we do. It may not even be the customer service thing that I am hating. I wouldn't mind it so much, I think, If at the end of the day I could like go to a beach and it be 75 degrees out and just veg for a while before going home and going though the routine. But even if not that, if I had a place in my house that didn't have a TV and could have some mood music(jazz) and dim lighting and maybe a trickling of water, like a fountain or something, I don't know. I love my family and all, but I don't think they understand what I go through everyday. I know, almost everyone says that about their jobs, but it is really getting old!

How do people do it, Love there jobs and still make money? I mean, I've always said it, If someone would pay me to be a beach bum, that would be awesome. But haven't seen that one in the paper lately. I know I made some really stupid mistakes when I was younger that I am still paying for today. The biggest one I'm sure was: because of my dad, a Methodist pastor, passing away, I had a FULL ride at a four year college scholarship. I started it, but only got about two semesters in when someone told me about a job at a large telecom company. I thought, why have a degree in 4 years when I can have a great job now. DUMB! Now I am stuck in this type of a job. I know, I know, always look at the positive right? And I do appreciate the job security. But I need a job I can be passionate about, or own my own business. But in this economy and with the tax and spend liberals about to take over the White House, congress and senate, I don't think it is good timing.

I have really been praying about this a lot lately and I believe God keeps taking me back to the people in the Bible like Paul. That man was persecuted, tortured, jailed, ship wretched and left for dead. And he never gave up. I know, he was face to face with the Son of the Living God.. but, that's still a lot of stuff to go through. I also see God saying I am on my own personal mission at my work and in the places I go to every day. I too have seen God, well at least the awesome things he has done. I have no doubt who God is and where he is. I feel his spirit living in me every day. I know I am a big baby, but tears are welling up right now as I type this because I feel his very presence every time I think of Him or praise his name or sing about Him. No one can take away my experience or tell me what I feel is just gas or something. Or that it is just a physical reaction to something that I have created in my own head. I Know what I know is truth! I trust in my God. I know he will help me. I also know it will be in his perfect time, not in mine. God has a great plan for me. Yes, I hope it is near a tropical climate, but if it is in Greenland, I will go there to. And if it is in my back yard, I will stay here and do what I am doing with a song of praise in my breaking heart.

My wife is a saint. She always has to put up with my complaints about the job, the climate, my aching bones and back and on and on and on.... She has finally said that when our children who are now 12 and 17 go out on their own, we can move to a better climate. But my kids want grandparents close for their kids too. I need to not be so selfish and do the right thing for them. I need to make my focus Heaven and not Florida. Heaven will be so much better and more permanent. My hope and happiness is in the Lord and what he has for me. I place my trust in Him!

Thank you God!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My baby!?

I am the father of a 17 year old daughter as of today. This may seem like no big deal to most people but to me it seems like just yesterday I was holding this being in one arm and admiring her tiny lips, her sparkling eyes and her miniature fingers. I know 17 years is a long time, but it goes so fast. I am also freaking out that in a couple of years she will probably be out on her own and doing her own thing. My hope and prayer is that we have instilled the godly values that she will need to do the right things and make the best decisions in all situations. She has already impressed me in how she handles herself and how she cares about everyone around her. My children go to a Christian school and I always wondered if we were sheltering them too much. But I know she has seen enough in my and my wife’s extended families and other friends that she is learning about what goes on out there. I pray also that she doesn't do what I had to do. That was sink to my lowest depth before I was able to surrender to the Lord. I know she is much smarter and has a much better relationship with God than I did at her age.

Some people say, you should not put your child in a Christian school because it is one sided and what if they never learn about the other options out there. I guess if I didn't know for sure that Jesus is Lord, I might worry about that. But why would I want to teach them any less than the unmistakable truth? God has confirmed his awesome sovereignty to me over and over again. All I have to do now is think about where I was and what I came through and know it took an omnipotent Creator to work out this mess!

She has done so many great things, she was in a pagent, danced in many competitions and writes for the school newspaper. Out of everything, what impresses me the most is her passion for justice and expression of compassion and forgiveness. She truly has numerous Christ like atributes. There is nothing greater than this!!!
Thank you God for this special gift!

Buckeyes 2008-2009

Well, that's it, we almost pulled out an upset against Texas. I could go on about how horrible the calls were and missed tackles and poor assignments and not reading plays. But if you go back to the beginning of the season and remember some of the struggles, we actually had a great year. More importantly than winning every game, I saw some great things not just on the field. I think the leadership has been very upstanding.

It makes me think about one day while driving to work I was trying to think of a really good gift to give my daughter's softball coach. Then it happened, on the radio they said the Jim Tressel was going to be at Lifeway Christian Bookstore. I was just about to pass the exit for Lifeway and the lightbulb came on. I could call in and get the day off and go to the store and get his autograph and give the book to her coach. The day was available, got it off and went to the store. A lady was walking up to the building so I stopped and asked her when the book signing was starting. She said the tickets would be handed out at 9:00am then the signing would start at 3pm sharp. And without a ticket you couldn't get a 'signed' book. So I sat in my car and waited, while waiting I thought to myself, 'hey, I've been wondering what to get for the school auction that my daughters' school would have in November, I think I just killed two birds with one stone.' So I waited in the car accross the street and took a little nap. Around 8:30 am, I went up to the front of the store and already there were about 8-10 people in line. Oh well, I grabbed my folding chair and plopped my butt down. It was kind of interesting, I started a conversation with the guy in line in front of me and he said he was a Michigan fan. Of course, everyone started giving him a hard time, just in fun. He said his wife is a Buckeye fan but he was there for a close friend's birthday gift. Not long after a couple sat down behind me and of course I included them in the ribbing of the Michigander. But while talking to them I found out they lived just a short distance from where I live and when I got home and talked to my wife about it she said she new him from a business meeting. Thought that was cool!

So when I got in I ended up being #15 which I wasn't sure how, but I guess some of the people in the store took the first few spots. So got my ticket and had almost five hours to wait till the BIG SIGNING! So, I walked around the Polaris mall, I mean walked around it. In other words outside the mall, all the way on the outside of the mall service road. I figured it was at least 1-2 miles of walking. I went inside the 'air conditioned' mall to cool off some. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle. Then went to the Lifeway store and they had it roped off and we were to get into a line by number. I was in there by 2:15p just to be safe and I was glad I got there early, Tressel got there at about 2:45. I didn't have a camera but of course had my cell phone. Being a PDA, the friends I had made in line were a little coy about taking a picture with it. I agreed to take a picture with their camera of them if they would take one for me. They agreed and hence both got a pretty good pic of 'the man'. I also shook Tressel's hand and said I really appreciated all he has done for the Ohio State image. He reluctantly thanked me and signed the books and I was on my way.

The next day was my daughter's last game of the season and I got the book wrapped and ready so that at the end of the game I could give it to the coach. I decided to let my daughter give it to him. When he opened it, his jaw dropped and I think I saw a little tear in his eye. It was an awesome scene...

Then jump to Novemeber at the School auction, the book there sold for $65. I paid about $12. That was a pretty good investment. I wasn't out though, I went ahead and bought a third one while I was at the store for Muah......

The book is called 'The winners manual for life'. It speaks of much more than winning ball games but how to handle life issues. It is a good suggestion of how to have a good attitude, faith, and focus on the posiblilities. I believe it has had a good effect on many of the players. For example 3 of the most valuable players Robisky, Larenitous and Pryor started wearing the black eye paint but at the end of the season they were putting scripture in the face paint. The first time I saw this I was just elated... Also, this year there wern't as many players arrested for stupid stuff. And the overall attitude is much better. That is so much more important than always winning.

Thanks Tress!