Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My baby!?

I am the father of a 17 year old daughter as of today. This may seem like no big deal to most people but to me it seems like just yesterday I was holding this being in one arm and admiring her tiny lips, her sparkling eyes and her miniature fingers. I know 17 years is a long time, but it goes so fast. I am also freaking out that in a couple of years she will probably be out on her own and doing her own thing. My hope and prayer is that we have instilled the godly values that she will need to do the right things and make the best decisions in all situations. She has already impressed me in how she handles herself and how she cares about everyone around her. My children go to a Christian school and I always wondered if we were sheltering them too much. But I know she has seen enough in my and my wife’s extended families and other friends that she is learning about what goes on out there. I pray also that she doesn't do what I had to do. That was sink to my lowest depth before I was able to surrender to the Lord. I know she is much smarter and has a much better relationship with God than I did at her age.

Some people say, you should not put your child in a Christian school because it is one sided and what if they never learn about the other options out there. I guess if I didn't know for sure that Jesus is Lord, I might worry about that. But why would I want to teach them any less than the unmistakable truth? God has confirmed his awesome sovereignty to me over and over again. All I have to do now is think about where I was and what I came through and know it took an omnipotent Creator to work out this mess!

She has done so many great things, she was in a pagent, danced in many competitions and writes for the school newspaper. Out of everything, what impresses me the most is her passion for justice and expression of compassion and forgiveness. She truly has numerous Christ like atributes. There is nothing greater than this!!!
Thank you God for this special gift!

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